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New Opportunities for Media Enabled Learning through a Life-wide Curriculum

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years, 7 months ago

This ideas paper explores and tries to integrate two thematic ideas – the idea of life-wide learning and how the involvement of learners with digital media and the cultures of participation that some technologies spawn, has an essential role to play in the development and accomplishment of learners through their life-wide learning enterprises. New media technology is an important agent in facilitating learning and playful or productive social interaction through which new possibilities emerge. It helps people find out the things they need to find out in order to do the things they want to do. It enables people to broadcast their views, their creative products and performances and it encourages others to connect to, draw meaning from and engage with these personal expressions of being a human being. Combining these two ideas opens up new possibilities for higher education to recognise and value such forms of learning and self-expression as learners become who they want to be. In the world of life-wide education, new media technologies, such as audio and video become the essential agency for learning rather than the conduits for learning.

Whats in my bag? The media tools I use every day. 






The paper is not intended to be complete. In the spirit of collaborative learning and co-production the paper is offered in word format so that you can add your own practice examples, ideas, opinions and URL links to other interesting and relevant work. Please make your additions in a coloured font or track changes and send them to the author norman.jackson@surrey.ac.uk for integration into the revised paper. All contributions will receive full acknowledgement in the paper.

lifewidemedia wiki 

This wiki hosts the media-rich educational designs created by participants in the Media Enhanced Learning Conference in Belfast January 2010. 


YouTube plugin error




Muzuko Ito and others Living and Larning with New Media


Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century

Henry Jenkins and others 2006



John Seely Brown's website excellent video and text resosources


Learning for a World of Constant Change: Homo Sapiens, Homo Farber & Homo Ludens revisited

Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown






George Siemens on Connectivism  a theory of learning for the digital age


Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World JISC Report  










visitors from 08/01/10

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