This wiki was last updated in December 2010. It is no longer being maintained by SCEPTrE.
The Lifewide Education Community was established in 2011 to continue support people and organisations that would like to develop their lifewide education practices.
This book, published in October 2011, consolidates the learning gained from the SCEPTrE project
It can be purchased from the Authorhouse bookstore and all revenue is being used to promote
Our vision of ‘whole life’ learningembraces the ideas of ‘life-long learning’, ‘life-wide-learning’ and ‘personal wellbeing’. It connects and embeds academic and professional development within the disciplinary curriculum whilstencouraging and enabling students to make use of the wide range of developmental opportunities offered by the university and thewider world. It sees the professional training experience as a key component of learner development and we encourage our undergraduate students to engage in work experiences. Our vision of learning encourages students to actively participate in all the opportunities for learning that life has to offer and seeks to recognize and value learning gained through experience outside the academic curriculum. Our commitment to this vision is manifested in our decision to develop an Award to enable the University to publicly recognise the learning gained from experiences outside the formal curriculum.Professor Christopher SnowdenVice-Chancellor,UniversityofSurrey.
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